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Arrivals in Accomodation Facilities in Tuscany 2012-2023, by year and country of origin

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arrivals in accomodation facilities

year, country of origin

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The chart displays the number of arrivals in accommodation facilities in Tuscany from 2012 to 2023. Visitor numbers steadily increased from 2012, peaking at over 14.5 million in 2018 and 2019. However, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a sharp decline in 2020, with arrivals dropping to just over 5.6 million. A gradual recovery began in 2021, reaching 13 million by 2022, and by 2023, arrivals surpassed pre-pandemic levels, hitting a new peak of 14.6 million. This recovery signals Tuscany’s strong tourism appeal, especially as global travel resumes, with accommodation facilities benefiting from the surge in both domestic and international visitors. The data highlights Tuscany's resilience and its growing popularity as a prime travel destination.

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