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International travel by Canadian residents 2018-2024, by quarter and trip purpose

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The chart shows international travel by Canadian residents from 2018 to 2024, broken down by trip purpose (personal, business, and visiting friends or family) on a quarterly basis. Personal travel (in red) consistently dominates, with percentages ranging between 50% to 70% of total trips, highlighting that most Canadians travel internationally for leisure and personal purposes. Visiting friends and family (in blue) shows greater fluctuation, with peaks around 2020-2021, likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic easing and Canadians prioritizing family reunions after prolonged separation. Business travel (in yellow) remains the smallest category, steadily declining over time, suggesting a shift in work practices or reduced corporate travel during and post-pandemic. Overall, the data highlights that while leisure travel remains the main driver of Canadian international trips, family-related travel saw increased significance during the pandemic, while business travel continues to shrink.

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