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Travel Party of American Travelers to Italy 2012-2023, by year

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The table displays the travel party composition of American travelers to Italy from 2012 to 2023. The most common travel groups over the years have been solo travelers and couples. In 2023, solo travelers made up 42% of all American visitors, a decline from the pandemic years, where solo travel peaked at 57.6% in 2020, reflecting a shift toward independent travel during the COVID-19 period. Couples represented 33.9% in 2023, marking an increase as travel restrictions eased, bringing back traditional vacation patterns. Family travel remained relatively stable, comprising around 17.3% in 2023. Travel for business and in tour groups has consistently remained low throughout the years, with both categories together accounting for less than 2% of total travelers in recent years. This data indicates that post-pandemic, solo travel and couples travel are still dominant, while family and group travel continue to recover.

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